Blog Comment 6

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My comment:

Your blog was enjoyable to read although a bit lacking in details. You talk about why you and your team are happy with the results and reference the last playtest and the positive feedback that you got, but I would like to know if there was anything you guys were not satisfied about and if there is something that the testers did not like because you only mentioned the good feedback you got, and that is fine, but I think you should also take the reasonable negative comments as well.

I like the part about what you have learned from this course and how you divided it into different criteria, but you did not go into details for any of them, you just briefly mentioned what you learned but not how it is going to be useful to you, and you I would have liked to know what some of these difficulties that you had were, I think mentioning some examples there will make the blog appeal more to people who have probably faced the same difficulties.

Overall it was an enjoyable read, but lacked some details that were not necessary, but would have added more substance to your blog.

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